Mark Rogers is an executive director of Collaborate CIC an associate of KPMG and the Vinyl Protection Society. He has been a teacher and a local government officer and now he's a Collaborator. He likes people and is excited by the latent potential they have to work together and do good. He believes that aligned values and shared purpose will drive social change for the benefit of individuals, communities, organisations and partnerships. After empathy Mark most respects (and tries to self-engender) courage. "Do the right thing right - but do it". He learned everything he knows from someone else. In return he can say he has provided some people with an alternative musical education. He is an agathist in spite of all evidence the contrary.


PODCAST: Mark Rogers of Collaborate CIC on the new leadership and changing demands on local government leadership


© Boilerhouse Online Publications 2015 - Mark Rogers

From technocratic managerial leadership to empathy, collaboration and emotional intelligence and recognising that "place" is not what it used to be

For 15 years from the mid 1980s Mark Rogers was a teacher, deputy head and then head teacher working in specialist educational settings. He was head of inclusion at Tameside and then assistant director of inclusion services at Stockport. Mark was first director of children's services and then CEX at Solihull before becoming CEX and director of economy at Birmingham City Council. He was president of SOLACE for three years from 2013-2016 and since May 2017 has run his own consultancy "enabling leadership, partnerships & change".

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This content is brought to you free of charge through the generous support of An Audience With CLGdotTV  Social Care and Health - Blackfriars 23 October

Four times each year we invite around 60 people to join us for a day of making programmes. On 23 October An Audience with CLGdotTV No3 will focus on social care and health and topics covered will include:
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Some seats in the studio audience are still available. If you would like an invitation please email Ben Webber 

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