On 27 June sixty change leaders will meet at 58VE (Blackfriars) to be heard & be seen, break down hierarchies and the walls between silos and take part in making eight short WebTV programmes. Short of time? Need to squeeze real value out of your working days? CLG Live 2018 is designed for you.
JOIN: Martin Sadler; Mark Cridge MD, MySociety; Tim Lancaster, Arcus Global; Kirsten Whitehead, NHS Digital; Shane O'Neill, Chair, Elgin, Natasha Epstein, London Waste Partnership; Hilary Simpson Sleuth Co-Op; Peter Wells, ODi; Glen Ocsko, Granicus; Brad Smith Hertfordshire CC; Jane Hancer, CC2i; Marc Greenwood, Coventry CC; Charlie Wigglesworth Social Enterprise UK (TBC); David Watts, City of Wolverhampton; Judith Glennie, Eden District Council; Vicky Sargent CLGdotTV; Ian Litton, Positive Attributes; David Wilde, DWilde Consulting: Amy Wood, Leeds City Council; Dan Ebanks, Social Value Exchange; Ingrid Koehler LGIU; Lola Denwood, South Lakeland DC; Stuart Smith, Exponential-e; Mark Nicholas NHS Digital & Lianne Viney Kirklees BetterCare; Joe Tibbetts, GLGdotTV.