Vicky is one of the creators of CLGdotTV, where she also produces and presents programmes. She has 25 years experience of delivering projects in and for public sector organisations including government departments, local authorities, the NHS, and professional associations. Much of her work has been around digitally-enabled innovation and improvement.


How ‘RITA’ is helping contain care costs while improving quality of life


RITA units deliver ‘content’ capable of engaging people who exhibit the sort of challenging behaviours associated with dementia

In this video Michaela Wilson of Dudley-based care home New Bradley Hall explains the various ways RITA units can support staff as they care for residents.

The units, that come in ‘TV-on-a-trolley’ and tablet versions, are pre-loaded with a variety of content that can entertain people being cared for whether in residential units or at home. Content includes clips from favourite TV shows; music from a wide range of genres; games; online learning; and many other diversions.

Carers find RITA really easy to navigate, and it is not dependent on access to the Internet, so it can be very quick to find items that will engage or divert someone who, for example, has become upset or is upsetting others.

As the video explains, deployment of RITA (from My Improvement Network) can help care providers manage the behaviour of people they are looking after more easily, requiring fewer staff. This means costs associated with care can be more easily contained, says Marie Spittle, who commissioned the procurement of RITA units for Dudely Council.


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