Vicky is one of the creators of CLGdotTV, where she also produces and presents programmes. She has 25 years experience of delivering projects in and for public sector organisations including government departments, local authorities, the NHS, and professional associations. Much of her work has been around digitally-enabled innovation and improvement.
@vickysargentThe ability for social care and NHS teams to share and track information around discharges will bring substantial savings say local authorities
Hospital to Home has been developed through a project funded by five local authorities and NHS Digital as part of the Local Government Association's Social Care Digital Innovation Accelerator (managed by innovation agency CC2i), and delivered by the technical partner Maldaba.
The system supports Discharge to Assess, new arrangements introduced last year to speed up the process by which patients with care needs leave hospital.
As the video explains, the hospital discharge process is bedevilled by the difficulties of managing information in a complex and highly dynamic process involving many players. As Wendy Lawtey, Head of Adult Social Care at North Lincolnshire Council explains, typically there are ‘speadsheets here, there and everywhere’ leading to misunderstandings and friction between health and care teams as key information is obscured or lost.
Hospital to Home provides a ‘single version of the truth’ available to key players, including clinicians, ward staff, care workers and managers, so patients are much less likely to experience delays and confusion, including none or too many visits and calls from multiple professionals from different agencies. Associated savings may be as high as 50% on council administration costs, with one ‘bed night’ expected to be saved for every two Discharge to Assess cases.
Further information is available at