Vicky is one of the creators of CLGdotTV, where she also produces and presents programmes. She has 25 years experience of delivering projects in and for public sector organisations including government departments, local authorities, the NHS, and professional associations. Much of her work has been around digitally-enabled innovation and improvement.


Online self-assessment for local authority social care support in prospect by Autumn



Councils could soon have access to an online tool for residents to self-assess their social care needs without face-to-face intervention from an officer.

This programme is available as a podcast - listen or download here

Development of such a product has completed the discovery phase, says Guy Giles of the public sector innovation agency CC2i, with the ‘alpha’ phase is expected to start next month, as soon as the final two councils in the cohort of six required to co-fund the project are in place. Coventry, Solihull, Medway and Dorset Councils are already on board.

The self-assessment of needs tool complements a self-assessment for financial support tool developed by the same team a couple of years ago for Kirklees Council. ‘Better Care’ is now in place at Kirklees and a number of other councils and is showing considerable savings in terms of officer time and reductions in the number of failed care packages.

The new care needs assessment product will become available at a crucial time for councils, just as the Coronavirus pandemic has made home visits to vulnerable residents extremely problematic.

To find out more about the project go to the CC2i website.


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